Good Morning :-) Thank you all so much for your lovely entries to our Things With Wings Challenge, we had one of the highest number of entries so a big THANKS !! :-) I will be back soon with a winner :-)
The theme this week is
The DT have all used images from The Greeting Farm, you don't have to use them but if you have them we would like to see them :-)
Heti kihívásunk témája "gombok, masnik és strasszok, félgyöngyök" Inspirációt meríthetsz a DT tagok alkotásaiból. A DT tagok ezen a héten alkotásaikon The Greeting Farm bélyegzőket használtak, ha Neked van ilyen bélyegződ akkor szeretnénk ha használnád azt, ha nincs, nem baj, bármi mással dolgozhatsz. A Simon Says Stamp webáruházában itt találod ezeket a nagyon aranyos bélyegzőket. A nyeremény egy 25 dolláros utalvány, amit a Simon Says Stamp webáruházban vásárolhat le a szerencsés nyertes:) Jó alkotást kívánok!:)
As usual Heidi is giving away one lucky entrant a $25 spree to the Simon Says Stamp Store and Heidi will pay the shipping costs too :-) With over 100,000 items in stock, you're sure to find what you need! It's last call free shipping for all International orders over $175. There are loads of new items arriving in the store every day and if there is anything you would like and don't see please leave a comment on this post and we will see what we can do ! :-)

The DT have made some lovely cards for you to see, please click on their name to go for a closer look on their blog and to leave a comment,, there is some yummy candy dotted around their blogs so it is worth going !! :-)






Please leave a direct link to your card/creation for the challenge, not just your blog so that the DT can find your entries easily. We also request that you TURN OFF WORD VERIFICATION, please double check in your settings as you may not even realise it is turned on :-) thank you xx