Delightfully, Lorraine has created and is managing this Challenge Blog for us, and I need to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Lorraine and her fabulous team! The response to the new challenge blog has been overwhelming and makes my heart dance with joy.
My heart is dancing because the challenge blog is bringing us stamping folks all together! It's truly a team. The purpose of this blog is to showcase our talents and bring a place for us to all join in community. Stamping and paper crafting is something we all have in common, a passion to share and spread the love among each other.
Please know that each of your works is valuable! It is an inspiring event to share art with a fellow. This challenge blog welcomes folks from all over the world and pictures are worth a thousand words! From Malta, to the UK, to Australia to the USA, Poland, Canada, Germany, all corners of this globe, we are all passionate about what we do.
Please take the opportunity to participate whenever you have the time. We have lots of goodies in our store to give away, to inspire, to share with you all. It is my fullest intention to spread the love in any way that I can.
Thanks Lorraine! Thanks Chris (oh my dear friend Chris!), Thanks Domi, Thanks Jo Boots! Thanks Debby! Thanks Timea! and Thank you Iris! Our Simon Says Stamp office and warehouse team extends hugs and smiles to you for all of your creativity and hard work! Kudos!
To the challenge blog participants, YOU ARE IN FOR QUITE A RIDE! I have seen previews of the Design Team works to post this week and they are simply amazing! Each gal has completely outdone herself with creativity and color and detailed work to inspire us all. Please stop back soon and see the artwork unfold before your eyes....
In rubber hugs, and smiles from ear to ear,
Heidi & the whole Simon team!
Thankyou Heidi for your vote of confidence :-) It's lovely to see a photo of you all together :-)
Lorraine x x
Lorraine has done a fantastic job of this blog Heidi! Give her a raise!!!! LOL
(Harvey says you can cuddle him anytime)!
Looking forward to the challenges next week!
Viv xx
Hi glad I found your blog, I'm sure it will be heaps of fun. You an your family look gorgeous...
Looking forward to the first challenge!!!
Congratulations for this blog team! I'm looking forward to tomorrows first challenge!
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