WOW, you all did such a GREAT job with last weeks challenge!! All of the entries were SO fabulous!!! We hope Tim Holtz got a good look at some of the talent he is inspiring!!!! THANKS TIM!!! AND THANK YOU ALL for participating in our challenge - we made it well over 100 entries!!! YAHOOOOOOOOO !!!! It was a challenge but a VERY fun one!!!
Now, on to this weeks challenge!!!!
We all love PINK and BROWN, so now is a great opportunity to showcase that great colour combination . We can't wait to see what you have in store for us this week!! You are all so AWESOME!!!
This week's Designer Spotlight is RACH!!!
Rach is a designer on the Simon Says Stamp Brand DT, and she has an amazing blog with the most beautiful cards!!! Please stop by and visit her, you shouldn't miss it!! For our challenge this week she has made the most beautiful card! GORGEOUS!!!
Wow, absolut klasse wie viel an der letzten Challenge "TIM HOLTZ" teilgenommen haben. Vielen Dank dafür.
Diese Woche ist unser Thema:
Ihr dürft wieder einmal alle Motive nehmen, ganz wie ihr möchtet.
Diese Woche ist RACH in unserem Desginer Spotlight.
Nagyon köszönjük a "TIM HOLTZ" kihívásra készített szebbnél-szebb alkotásaitokat!
következő kihívásunk témája:
bármit készíthetsz, csak ez a két szín domináljon az alkotásodon!!
Jó alkotást kívánunk!!
Vendégünk RACH, Designer Spotlight és a Simon Says Stamp Brand DT tagja. Gyönyörű kártyáit blogján megcsodálhatod!
Nagyon köszönjük a "TIM HOLTZ" kihívásra készített szebbnél-szebb alkotásaitokat!
következő kihívásunk témája:
bármit készíthetsz, csak ez a két szín domináljon az alkotásodon!!
Jó alkotást kívánunk!!
Vendégünk RACH, Designer Spotlight és a Simon Says Stamp Brand DT tagja. Gyönyörű kártyáit blogján megcsodálhatod!

Please don't forget to leave her a comment :-)
Here is some eye candy by our Design Team for your viewing pleasure:
Bitte vergesst nicht, Rach einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen.
Ne felejts el hagyni Rachnak egy megjegyzést :)

We hope you will join us this week in this fun challenge!!! Please link up your card to this post and we will be sure to pop by and visit!!!! AND, don't forget, the lovely Heidi has graciously donated a $25 shopping spree to Simon Says Stamp to a RANDOM winner!!!! Good luck and have fun!!!! Let's see if we can get WAY over 100 entries this week too!!!!! THANKS for all your participation, this is SO exciting!!!!!
Hi All, Love the DT cards as ever, they look stunning, Well Done, You are so keen and full of enthusiasm its brilliant. Love Hazelxo
wow great DT cards again I shall try my luck again still getting over the fact that I have won the last challenge thanks again so much you have really made my day hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxx
ich liebe rosa und braun, Danke für die Inspiration...
LG Finja
I have been having problems accessing this site, keep getting locked is my contribution to the pink and brown challenge:
Gayle's Pink & Brown
Gorgeous creations from the DT as always, really enjoyed this one hugs pops x
My card:
morning just to let you know that I have entered twice first link did not work so can you delete the first one name cheryl
sorry guys not sure what went wrong and as for my post there is also no were to leave a comment no idea why as my other posts are fine ive tried deliting it and posting again but still nothing sorry if I have messed your system up had no intention of doing that to you guys. enjoy your day love cheryl xxxx
Great crafting from the team. This is my first time of submitting anything here - my card is here x
Hi All, this is a fantastic colour challenge. All Cards are stunning.
And here is my card
Thanks for looking and I wish all a happy sunday.
Hugs Anja
no Mr Linky at the mo but will check later..I loved this challenge as Pink & Brown is one of my favs to make...stunning DT work too xxx
Here's my card
My favorite paper right now fit your challenge perfectly!
Thanks for all the creativity, looking forward to your next challenge.
Beverly Gotthardt
love the dt cards and just love pink and brown combo
debbie xx
think ive done all the links properly if not sorry!!!
Lovely challenge and here is my card for this challenge. Hope you like it and good luck to all!
(just in case Mr Linky decides to go down again)
You gals have sure made some totally awesome cards!!
Pink & brown is a really great it! I posted my card in Mr Linky.
So crazy about these challenges. They really help me get my creative mojo going. Thanks for the help. I didn't make a card this time. Used Tilda (Magnolia)as an embellishment on an LO about my DD's 1st B-day. Also used some Hero Arts Stamps and Studio G? Thanks for looking.
Once again, the DT have produced superb samples, how do you do it :o)
I have entered my card into Mr Linky, good luck everyone :o)
Jackie xx
Pink & Brown is one of my favorite color combinations!
I've posted my card!
Pretty colour challenge, loved working with these colours and thankyou for all the ideas!
Hi - das ist eine wunderschöne Farbkombination *schwärm*, und die Karten vom Designteam sind wieder einmal sehr inspirierend !!!!
Ich bin schon gespannt, welche Aufgabe uns morgen gestellt wird *lol* !!!!
Lieben Gruß, Dani
Hello! I make this card for the challenge.
Thank you for the challenge it was fun. :)
Here is what I came up with.
Ohh... I forgot to post my creation!! :-)) But here it is:
Have a nice day You all!! :D Hugs: Hana
Hi! What a great blog! Here is my entry and it is my first entry in one of your challenges. Your DT is awesome!
Oops - my cursor jumped to the wrong Mr. Linky! Entry nr. 105 doesn't belong here... Have added it to the right challenge post now. Sorry! ;)
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