Wednesday 15 July 2009

Simon Says..... Summer Fruits!!!

Alright everyone, this weeks challenge is to make a project (card, scrapbook page, 3D item, bookmark, etc.) using SUMMER FRUITS or SUMMER FRUIT colours!!!!! The options are ENDLESS!!!!!

Here are the Design Team creations for your viewing pleasure! Please be sure to stop by their blogs - you never know when SURPRISE BLOG CANDY might pop up somewhere!!!!! (hint hint) Also, show them some love as they all work SO hard to bring you the FINEST projects on the WWW!!!!!

Heute haben wir wieder ein neues Thema für Euch und zwar:
Ihr könnt auf Euren Werken Sommerfrüchte zeigen oder nur mit Farben arbeiten.
Die Möglichkeiten für diese Challenge ist endlos :-)

Schaut auf jedenfall mal bei den DT Mitgliedern vorbei, verschiedene haben ein Blog-Candy für Euch versteckt!

¡Atención todas! El reto de esta semana es usar FRUTAS VERANIEGAS o los COLORES típicos de esas frutas para crear un proyecto (tarjeta, página de scrapbook, marcapáginas, objeto alterado, etc...). ¡Las posibilidades son infinitas!

Aquí tenéis las últimas creaciones del Equipo de Diseño para deleitaros la vista. Por favor, no dejéis de pasar por sus blogs... ¡quién sabe si puedes encontrar Blog Candy inesperado! También es una forma de agradecerles con cariño lo duro que trabajan para traeros algunos de los mejores proyectos de todo Internet.

No olvidéis que esta semana, como siempre, la afortunada ganadora del reto ¡recibirá un vale de 25 dólares para comprar en Simon Says Stamp! Y con los miles de artículos que encontraréis en la tienda, no será difícil emplear ese vale en haceros con un material fabuloso.

La ganadora será elegida al azar y anunciada el próximo miércoles. Así que manos a la obra y recordad que el enlace de Mr Linky debe remitir al post concreto de este proyecto y no a la dirección genérica de vuestro blog. ¡Estamos impacientes por ver vuestras creaciones!

¡Buena suerte y, sobre todo, que os divirtáis!

Mostani kihívásunk témája: "Nyári gyümölcsök-nyári gyümölcsök színei". Alkotásaitokon a nyár gyümölcsei vagy ezeknek a gyümölcsöknek a színei szerepeljenek!
Inspirációnak nézzétek meg a DT tagok által készített alkotásokat. Érdemes blogjaikra is ellátogatni, hiszen valamelyikőjüknél a kihívással kapcsolatos Blog Candy vár rátok! Jó alkotást és sok szerencsét kívánok!

Don't forget, this week there will be another $25 shopping spree given away to one lucky winner!!!! With the THOUSANDS of items at SIMON SAYS STAMP, you can EASILY spend that on some FABULOUS finds!!!!! A random winner will be chosen & announced next Wed. so get creating & be sure to post a link to the project post (not your blog) - we can't wait to see what you all come up with!!!!! Good luck and have fun!!!!!


gila said...

ein schönes Thema und ich hab lecker Erdbeeren für Euch.

lg gila

cheryl said...

wow amazing cards by the team so glad I can finally get onto your blog as I shall be entering into this challenge hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hiya!!! What a lovely challenge this week!! i've gone for the colours! hehe hope that's ok! :-) i'd actually just finished making my card and saw the challenge!
Fab DT cards!!

Here's mine!

Hugz Carlz xxx

mueppi said...

Tolles Thema und DT-karten
Summer Fruits
LG Gisela

Irit Shalom said...


jude said...

Yet another great challenge and stunning cards from DT ,ive gone for the fruits.
Here’s my entry
hugs judexxx

Susa said...

Fabulous work from DT!!!! Great challenge, so yummy so yummy ;)

This is my card

Hugs, Susa

Kruemel said...

Great card - would have loved to use a complete fruit salad on my card!LOL But I sticked with strawberries - here´s my card.
Thanks for looking!
Kathrin aka Kruemel

Klári said...

Hallo, es ist ein sehr schön Aufgabe!Ich bin schon fertig, meine Seite ist hier: Entschuldige, ich bereits nicht Gespräche mit 43-jährige deutsche

Katarina said...

I had so much fun joining last week I just had to see what you were up to this time. I'm usually last minute on the challenges, but this one I made straight away. Woohoo.
Thanks for visiting:


raindropecho said...

Hello again! I love summer fruits, but especially ones dipped in chocolate :)
Here's my card
- Ann

Pauline C said...

Hi there - fab challenge as usual. I'm posting this while mr linnky is on holiday, so here is my direct link. THanks for looking
Pauline x

Powerful Search Engine said...

Hello I have made my card you can find it here hugs Pascale

Chris said...

Sorry to hear Mr. Linky isn't working, he a tempermental dude isn't he.
Well I just had a blast making my card. Thanks for the challenge.
here's where you can find it:

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

great challenge, yummy dt cards, hope you like mine. janex
< a =""my card < /a>

Cathy said...

Fab challenge - my card is here.
Thanks for looking,
Cathy xx

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! Mr Linky is still MIA, so here's my entry for this weeks's challenge. Hope you like it!

Sorry, I have no idea of inserting HTML code.
Hugs from Uruguay!

Jackie said...

Yet more fantastic samples from the DT. I see Mr Linky's gone awol again so here is my card
Good luck everyone :o)
Jackie xx

Karen Wilson said...

Hi everyone! Wow, some great cards once again! So inspiring! As Mr Linky has gone for a walk (on many blogs, here's my little 3x3 Summer Fruit card!

Have a great day!

Chaosmaus said...

My entry for this challenge.
my card
Hugs Kerstin

Virág Éva said...

Hy, here is my card with blackberry and blueberry:)

Unknown said...

Fabby summery theme and gorgeous creations from the DT.

Here's my fruity card

Thanks for looking.

Joanne x

Finja said...

Hier kommt meine Sommer Willow

Katie said...

Wonderful examples and Here's my card

Leah l'Orange said...

oh my goodness, those strawberries are AMAZING!! lovely projects, DT! i want to play along with this one, absolutely!!

Stampin'Piper said...

Wonderful DT Cards Ladies!

Here is my Card.

TFL! Have a great weekend, Hugs Tanja

Inas lune hjørne. said...

Here is my card:

peggy said...

Lovely challenge you have this week !!!
You can find mine here!!

Thanks for looking,


chiara_francy said...


Unknown said...

Wow! Love all DT samples! They are great! Here is my card. Thanks so much for looking!

Francesca said...

great challenge

Here's Mine!
Francesca x

Lisa said...

Fun challenge! This is my first time and I'm already a big fan! Great DT work!

Here's my link:

Linda said...

Such beautiful cards by the DT....thank you for all the inspiration!!

Here’s my card.

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Amazing projects by DT!!! I´ll try to make a card bag some day too :)

Here is my Entry


Joey said...

Hiya Everyone,

gorgeous dt creations :O) mine is here:- my card thanks for looking.

Crazy Creations said...

My card is up on my blog .Thank you for looking.Sarah

Merika said...
Hier is my card!!!!!

Debbie said...

Ok, thanks for another wonderful challenge.. You guys make the most amazing cards... Here's Mine

Thanks for Looking

Unknown said...

Another card to share...
My card. Thanks for looking!

Anonymous said...

Here is my entry:

Thanks all!

Sarah said...

Wow! The DT cards are amazing. Love all the yummy colours :-)
Here is my card
Sarah xx

csuti said...

Hier is my card!

Tasha said...

Mmmm love the theme, the DT cards are gorgeous! You can find my entry Tasha'a Card

Tracy said...

Loved the theme this week and I've got three fruits on my card. Great DT cards. ,Here's my card
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Shauna K said...

really liked the DT inspiration and the challenge!
{here} is mine

Christine said...

Great DT cards love em all heres my card

Christine xx

Lesley said...

Wow...gorgeous cards again from the DT

Here‘s My Card

Thanx 4 looking...hugs Lesley xxx

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Fun challenge. Here is mine

Happy Crafter said...

Great cahllenge and fab creations from the DT's too :)
Here is my entry.
Hugzz Val xxx

Sue said...

Wonderful cards by the designed team....again!Here's mine

CarlaKH said...

Here;s mine in case Mr. Linky is not working:

Mina said...

another fabulous challenge that I so enjoyed doing
Here's mine
Mina xxx

Dianne said...

Wonderful DT Cards. Thank you for the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous challenge and DT samples. I added my link to Mr.Linky, but just in case here is my entry once more.

Karen Wilson said...

I see Mr Linky is back, so I added my link there to make it easier. Hope that's ok!

Emma said...

Just incase Mr Linky does a disappearing act
My entry is here too
Emma x

Herry Bin said...

I love summer and SUMMER FRUITS SO your card are great

Linsey said...

Beautiful work from DT!:)

My LO is here:

Wendy K. said...

Here's my card:
I am looking forward to the next challenge!

ribenaruby said...

Fab theme this week, I've left my card with mr linky.

Liz McGuire, said...

Fab challenge, I have used Mr L.

Thanks, Liz.

PS I had problems opening your blog and I beleive it is something to do with the followers widget. I have moved mine down to the bottom and that seems to work.

Chris said...

I thought I did this challenge and I see comments from your group on my blog but I don't see my name in the Mr. Linky list, am I missing something?

summer fruits said...

I love summer and summer fruits your post are great