I am making an appeal to all of you to please turn off the word verification option. It makes leaving comments so much more time consuming. We all like to receive comments and with time being limited the less time spent having to mess about with the nonsense letters in word verification the more we can leave for entrants !
I agree and I did.
i agree... i turned my off a long time ago. luv gina xx
ja genau, da macht das kommentiern keinen spaß, ich hab die wortbestätigung auch abgeschaltet
lg gila
I agree. I had mine on when I strated my blog and turned it off as it is so annoying and time consuming. Marianne x
Totally agree...thanks for posting this!
I didn't realize it defaulted to "yes" when I set-up my blog but now I've changed it to NO!!! Good thing I took a look at the settings & I'll no longer be peeving anyone ;-)
I agree, I turned mine off awhile ago and just turned moderation on. I know sometimes when I leave comments I have a hard time getting the jarbled up mess typed in correctly on other blogs!
I agree to and turn it off some time go.
bye bye,Lean.
Can I be the sole voice of dissent? I was plagued with spam comments had had to turn it on. Unfortunately it does have a purpose for some of us :o(
i turned mine off a long time ago and replaced with moderate comments instead - stops spam and makes sure you read all the lovely comments that might get posted on earlier posts too
I agree and thank you for post this!!!
Turned mine off- Merry Christmas!
mine is off and I so totally agree with you!
I agree and thanks for reminding me to do this... it's done.
Thanks Lols!!! This is so true! :)
Ya know, I understand it's more time consuming and for the past 3 years that I've been blogging I have NOT used word verification. HOWEVER, I recently turned it ON because someone/something has gotten a hold of my blog addy and has left 20-30 SPAM messages on various blog posts each week. :( At first I just had moderate comments on and not verification and yet I would still have to get those icky SPAM messages in my INBOX. I figure for what it's worth, if people don't want to take the extra 5 seconds at most to type in a few letters then they don't really want to leave me a comment that bad anyway. I'd rather have fewer comments then to have to read all about the latest obscene toys or medications for ED! That's my 2 cents, coming from a Christian gal.
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