Yay, It's time for another Simon says Challenge :-)For those of you who missed the earlier post as from this week we are going weekly !! So this challenge will end on Wed 20th May
Hi, nun is es wieder eit für eine weitere Challenge. Für alle die das frühere Posting von dieser Woche verpasst haben: unsere Challenge wird nun wöchtenlich. Also endet diese Challenge hier am Mi, den 20.Mai !
Jo had the fabulous idea for the challenge this week 'One for the Boys' :-) You can make anything you like as long as there's something boyish about it :-) It could be from Baby Boy to Grandad, it could even be a male animal !! The possibilities are endless :-)
Jo hatte die fantastische Idee für unsere heutige Challenge: "Etwas für Jungs" Man kann alles machen, solange es "männlich" aussieht. Es kann etwas für ein Baby, für den Großvater oder auch was mit Tieren sein.
Heidi is very generously offering the prize of a $25 shopping spree to the Simon Says Stamp store
Es gibt auch diese Woche wieder einen Gutschein im Wert von 25$, einzulösen bei SimonSaysStamp.
A kihívások ezentúl hetente fogják követni egymást, tehát ennek a kihívásnak a határideje: május 20.-a! A következő kihívásunk témája Jo ötlete volt. Témája a "Fiúk"! Bármit készíthetsz csak fiús legyen.(színek, téma stb.) A nyeremény egy 25 dolláros kupon, amit a Simon Says Stamp webáruházban lehet levásárolni!
Inspirációként tekintsétek meg a Dt-tagok által készített alkotásokat!
Temat kolejnego wyzwania zapropononowała JO. Tym razem prosimy Was o stworzenie czegoś "męskiego/chłopięcego". Może to być jakikolwiek projekt, byle miał w sobie coś chłopięcego właśnie. Możliwości są nieskończone: od prac dziecięcych, przez tatowe do takich, które opowiadają o Waszych męskich pupilach :)
Macie czas do 20 maja! Pamiętajcie, że zmieniamy od teraz częstotliwość wyzwań - będziemy Was mobilizować do tworzenia kolejnych prac CO TYDZIEŃ!!!
Pamiętajcie także, że uczestnicząc w wyzwaniach macie szansę wygrać nagrodę w sklepie SimonSaysStamp :)))
Inspirációként tekintsétek meg a Dt-tagok által készített alkotásokat!
Temat kolejnego wyzwania zapropononowała JO. Tym razem prosimy Was o stworzenie czegoś "męskiego/chłopięcego". Może to być jakikolwiek projekt, byle miał w sobie coś chłopięcego właśnie. Możliwości są nieskończone: od prac dziecięcych, przez tatowe do takich, które opowiadają o Waszych męskich pupilach :)
Macie czas do 20 maja! Pamiętajcie, że zmieniamy od teraz częstotliwość wyzwań - będziemy Was mobilizować do tworzenia kolejnych prac CO TYDZIEŃ!!!
Pamiętajcie także, że uczestnicząc w wyzwaniach macie szansę wygrać nagrodę w sklepie SimonSaysStamp :)))
Also this week DONNA of Bearly Mine Crafts
has kindly offered a fabulous CD Designer Extreme Vol.1 as a prize :-)

Here are a few words from Donna :-
I started designing craft cd's in Feb of 2007 and released my first backing papers disk in May 2007, they went down a storm here in the UK, as people loved being able to print their own papers, as and when they needed them. No more having to buy paper packs where they only used a few sheets from the pack and if they wanted that design again, they had to buy another pack or two. My second disk came out that summer and from there it kind of snowballed. I've now got 8 cd's released. The newest ones are Designer Extreme Vol. I & Vol. II which are all 6x6 papers perfect for the size cards everyone seems to be doing now, and I've also just released a matching Inserts CD, which is color co-ordinated to the Designer Extreme disks. The inserts are perfect for your cards to either leave as is, or to decorate with as much or as little as you want. And you can add text to them before you print them out or stamp a sentiment on them once printed out. The European cardmakers have just recently discovered the disks and they are selling well over there as well. It gives you a great feeling to see so many cardmakers using the papers I've designed and seeing the beautiful creations they come up with.
The design team have made some wonderful creations this week to 'Inspire' you :-) You can use anything you like on your creations, they don't have to have been bought from the Simon Says Store to enter :-)
The fabulous creations that you entered last week were tremendous, we all enjoy coming to visit your blogs to see what you've all been creating :-)
All entries MUST be new ones, any entries with cards posted on your blog before the day of the challenge starting will not be entered for the draw. Please read the challenge rules on the sidebar.
Please try to add the URL of your actual card into Mr Linky, it makes it so much easier than when you just link your blog address. The instructions are on the sidebar if you don't know how to do it :-)
DONNA very kindly made this card for our challenge :-)







Thanks for joining in the fun :-) The Design Team are looking forward to coming to see your creations :-)
Last minute email entry from Afida HAWARI

As a mom of 3 boys, I can't wait to see all the other boy stuff :) I'm sharing one of many Father's Day cards to be made.
Keep Smiling! ~ Sonya
Designer for Midnight Madness
Lovely challenge, love DT cards, have added some of mine myself
All the Dt cards are soo GREAT!!!
Hi!!! great DT work I enjoy seeing it
Here is my take on this week challenge
The instruccions says to put it in the Mr Linky but i didn't see it so I hope is Ok to leave the link here.
Another lovely challenge. have added mine.
Super challenge the Dt work is A1. janex
Fun challenge this week! Beautiful DT work.
Great examples by the DT!!
Good to make a male card for a change and some great DT samples this week
Jan x
great dt designs and submitted mine!
Hi dears, I have made a baby card for this challenge. Thank you for the great inspirations on your blogs, Ladies!!!
A great challenge this week as i have so many boys cards to make and what with fathers day very soon, this challenge was not to be missed.
hugs Debra
The samples are great! Here's my entry. :-)
I did a boyish card for my son's friend, and have a luck with this SSS chalenge!!!
oops sorry I posted mine twice :)
Good morning, what great samples from the DT :o)
I have posted my entry into Mr Linky, good luck everyone :o)
Jackie xx
I don't know how I found you, but I did.... Have linked up using Mr Linky, but am intrigued as to how I got here. I'm lost in cyberspace and wondering who my guide is LOL!
I enjoyed this challenge as there are tons of guys in the family that I have to make cards for!
another fab challenge, just posted mine on my blog :0)
Awww.... just in time again!!!!! ;o)
I'm in - it is on my blog of course:
I have already entered this challemge for the boys.. So this comment is to say i have linked my Tilda card (Tilda as a butterfly) for the blog candy challenge
hope i have done this righht
hugs Debra
Me again this is a second card i am entering for the blog candy, again it is Tilda as a butterfly but in a different card.
hugs Debra
Hi, I have made a man card for this challenge. Thank you for the great inspirations
It isn't too late?
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