Sending lots of love and best wishes to Domi and Uli on their Wedding Day :-)
If you would like to send a card ,, you still have time to enter the Wedding Cards for Domi Challenge ,,, entry closes at 6 pm CET this evening ,,,, just when Domi and Uli's evening reception party will be about to start !! :-)
Lols and the DT x x x
Congrats to the bride and groom....enjoy today and the rest of your lives!!
Best wishes to the happy couple :0)
Auch von fast "um´s Eck" nochmals die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zur Hochzeit !!!
Ich wünsche Euch eine tolle Feier und das keiner "Erfriert" *brrrrrrr
Alles Glück der Welt für euren gemeinsamen Lebensweg !!!
Herzlichst hellerlittle
♥ Best of luck ♥
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats Domi and Uli hope you had a fantastic Wedding Day :0)
hugs Samantha :0)
Lots of love and best wishes to the happy couple
Thanks very much to all !!!!!!!!!
My best wishes too for both of them.
Home Based Data Entry
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