Tuesday 4 May 2010


Before we announce the new challenge we have some sad news for you :-( Timea has decided to step down from the team due to family and work commitments. We are all saddened by this but would like to thank her for her hard work and support over the past 12 months and wish her the very best for the future xx Keep in touch hunny :-)
(added by Lols x x)

To celebrate the first blogaversary of Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog, the Design Team members are participating in a blog hop, to inspire you and celebrate an amazing first year! And what a year it has been!! WOW!!!! As a special treat for this challenge, we have invited our two past DT members, Anna and Kim, to join us! Please give them a warm welcome back!!!

The theme for this weeks challenge is...you guessed it, BIRTHDAYS/CELEBRATIONS!!!!!!
We love BIRTHDAYS & CELEBRATIONS at Simon Says!!!!

The Hop starts HERE :-)

At each blog, there will be a NUMBER – collect all of the numbers, add them up, and post your answer in the comment section on the Simon Says Stamp Blog, which is at the end of the hop :-)

At each DT hop, you will need to leave a comment or a direct link to a card made for this challenge with Mr. Linky – this will get you a chance to win your choice of 1 Simon Says Stamp exclusive stamp set at EACH blog!!!

Heidi will randomly draw the winner from all the correct answers for the Grande Prize next Wednesday. The winner must have entered this Challenge to be eligible to win this HUGE GOODIE BASKET FULL OF CRAFTING GOODNESS - courtesy of Simon Says Stamp Store!! Check it out.......

The number for this blog is 3

Next head over to Anna's blog to see what fabulous inspiration she has for you and to collect your number. Thanks for stopping by! HAVE fun and good luck!!!

The DT are showcasing the Simon Says Stamps exclusive stamp sets and have made some gorgeous Birthday cards to inspire you!! You can see them all close up on each blog as you hop along collecting your numbers!!! :-)











Just in case you get lost here is a list of everyone :-)


And, FYI, you can combine this challenge with the WEDDING CHALLENGE AND the BLING challenge on PCP!!!!! Three challenges with one card...can it get any sweeter than that?????
Good luck and have fun HOPPIN'!!!!

Chris & the DT
P.S. I would like to extend our biggest thanks to Timea, our wonderful DT member who has decided to step down. She has been a FABULOUS addition to our team and we will all miss her greatly!!! We wish you the best of luck in your new job and hope you enjoy the time with your son! Please come back and visit us often!!!


gila said...

Wow, was für eine Challenge und so ein toller Preis.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 1. Geburtstag.
lg gila

Marie said...

Can I make one birthdayscard and link to that one on all of the DT blogs? Or do I have to make a new card for each DT blog? And, also, the prize for the number-collecting-game, is that the one that will be drawn like normal for the challenge-winner?

Fiona said...

fab cards..I have added my one an I am just about to o he blog hop

Darja Drakšič said...

Very happy first bloggoversary and thank you for all the inspiration I get at your blog!

Ardilla said...

Happy anniversary!!!

I'll hop around... the cards are more than beautiful...

Ardilla said...

Hello I did all the bloghop and couldn´t find Chris's blog about it.
I have all the numbers 'till now, where should i write them? Here or any other place?

Sorry, I'm a little bit lost :(

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh, this sounds fun! I'm comming along on the hopping!

Congrats in bloggin gor a year :D


Unknown said...

Oh, and I also had some truble posting my numbers..

lindyloo said...
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pinky said...

Hi Ladies, enjoyed the hop, chris's post is there now. I tried to leave a post on the simon says blog but there is nowhere to post. What shall I do with my answer?

Eva said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary! I love this site - it's so inspiring. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi, Thanks for a fab blog hop! Really enjoyed it! Collected all the numbers and can't post the answer on the Simon Says stamp blog what should I do now? Can I post it on here? Hugs K

Tini A. said...

Hip-hip-hurra .. and Happy Blog-Birthday !!!
Thanks for the chance to win great prizes. Hugs Tini

Unknown said...
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Lillian Child said...

There's so much fabulous talent on this blogaversary hop ...!! THanks for the chance to win!

Lisa said...
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Fiona said...
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gila said...

Man kann keinen Kommentar abgeben auf der Simon Says Stamp Blogseite

lg gila

Unknown said...
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Marley said...
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Marley said...

Thanks for this FABULOUS blog hop!! and for the number xxx Marley

Jamie said...

Super idea love the challenge & the hop.. This should be fun!!

Dorte said...

Done the blog hop and uploaded my card.It`s no 26.

Sarah A said...

Happy Birthday Simon Says Challenges!

With inspiration like your DT it is no wonder that the challenges are so popular!

Sarah x

Renee said...

What a great challenge and congrats for your first anniversery and hoping there's many more!!

Pammejo said...

What a fabulous blog hop, I just post my Birthday card on my blog http:pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com
My guess #40, love all of the DTs cards, going back to look at them again, than I am going shopping YIPPEE, I don't own any of the Simon Stamps but I soon will HORRAY!!! Again Happy Birthday and continued success.

Susan said...

How long do we have to make a card and do the hop? Please respond.


Mary said...

Happy blogoversary!!! Here is my card. I haven't stopped to do the blog hop yet but I will. Can't wait to see what everyone has done.


jude said...

Happy Birthday to ya!Gosh cant beleive it's a year sure has gone fast and many cards /creations later im still ere...lol.
Going to join the blog hop.Thanks to all DT for all there inspirations they have given us over the past year.Here's to year 2!
love n big thanks

Tammy in Ontario, Canada said...

I've done the wonderful hop and left a comment at each blog post. I love your blog and am trying to collect up some goodies so I can actually start making some myself. It does say in the contest rules that we "will need to leave a comment OR a direct link to a card" so I've done that. I have tried to use the "mr. linky in the past and it doesn't seem to work with my computer. Please enter me in your contest.

carrot said...

Thanks for the game :) I could stop for a while and saw many great works. And of course: HAPPY 1st BLOGAVERSARY :) Whishing you all the best for a few next years :D

Julye said...

Happy blogaversarry and wishing you many more. Love the dt cards will have to make a new card as I've already posted Dommis wedding card, never mind thanks Julye

Kruemel said...

Congrats to your one year birthday! Will go on the hop now - just wanted to say sorry for adding the wrong link. Could you please delete entry # 43, my first one? Thanks!

Kathrin aka Kruemel

Esme said...

Ooh looking forward to this hop and the challenge!

Saskia said...

Happy blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.

Myrto said...

Fantastic idea. Happy blogaversary and keep up the good work!

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Happy 1st Blogaversary!Keep up the good work Hugs Julie x

Little K Smith said...

Gorgeous work from the DT team, nice easy challenge too.

ribenaruby said...

What beautiful creations, a very Happy Birthday to Simon Says! Wishing you many more years.

Spyder said...

Just found the hop and I'm off to hop!

Spyder said...

Sorry! I thought it said just birthday card not a card for a wedding and bling and birthday! No, my wabbit isn't a wedding card!!Just a birthday card!


Anonymous said...

Brillaint totally Brilliant I have loved the Blog hop my card is posted on the link I have done a brithday card and also entered the wedding card challenge for Domi too!

1 question where shall I leave my answer for the numbers please?

hugs Samantha :0)

Christine said...

I finished the hop and linked my blog post for the challenge. It was fun girls! Happy 1st!
xoxo, Christine

Yenni Natalia said...

Hi..i have just posted card on your link...^_^
happy birthday

Marina said...

Happy Blogaversary!
I loved this blog hop and your DT inspirations are wonderful.


Margreet said...

The bloghop was just fun....I entered all DT members and entered my card......happy blogaversary!
xxx Margreet

Beth aka BR-T said...

Oh I am lovin the Birthday Candy Congrats! Beth aka BR-T

Sue said...

Happy Birthday to you, gorgeous DT cards as always, sue,x

Marie said...

Just posted the link to my entry fro this week =)

Diamond Doll said...

Congratulations on your 1st Blogaversary.Fab Dt cardsI have linked my card.
Trish (-:

Simone said...

Happy 1st blogoversary!!! I love your challenges every week!

scrappyjacky said...

Happy blog birthday....and lovely challenge.

Alie de Vrij-Venema said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!! Again I played along with your challenge, cause I really like your challenges everytime again!!
It will be my first time to join a blog-hop.. Lets get started!!

Delphine said...

Happy blog birthday! Congratulations and thanks for the chance(s) to win! I will start the blog hop now... Hugs Delphine xx

Suzie Q said...

Happy Blogoversary!
beautiful cards for us to drool over well done x
Suzie qx

Susan said...

Happy Birthday!! I love all the wonderful creations, but I must say those frogs really make me smile! I also love Pink and green together so that card also is a fav!

I hope you like my card, it is also combined with "Mojo Monday's" sketch challenge.

Thanks for this opportunity.

3treescreations@gmail.com said...

Great job ladies!!! Happy Birthday/Anniversary!!

Deanne :)

Steph Ackerman said...

Happy anniversary. Congrats.

Sofia ;) said...

Happy birthday!!! I added my card to Mr Linky!!

Rosette said...

Happy Birthday to one of the Best Challenge Blogs.. of one of the Best Craft Sores in the world!!Wo hoo! I linked my card, now off to collect the numbers :)

Big hugs xx

Monika Reeck said...

Happy loggaversary and lovely DT cards...

Wilfreda said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!

Shirl said...

This sounds fun! Happy Blogaversary :)

Jodi said...

I've got my card linked and am ready to start hopping.....

Katinka said...

Happy blogaversary!!! All creations of the DT are so wonderful!!
I added my card to Mr.Linky and hopped yet.
The number I counted is 36.

Hugs from Germany


Christine said...

Happy Birthday Simon Says & thanks to ALL the DT girlies for the fab creations & inspiration every wk..off to hop have linked me entry..

Hugs Christine xx

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I have just posted to Mr. Linky...now getting ready to hop hop hop!! :)
Thanks for all the inspiration all of you give me!

Marion said...

Happy Birthday for your 1st year blog challenge.

Unknown said...

Happy 1st Birthday to all of you at Simon Says have linked my card now I'm off to hop Hugs
Sarah xx

Theresa Kamp said...

Happy Birthday
and let's celebrate

Kelly said...

Birthdays are always fun to celebrate. Congratulations on yours!!

HazelQ said...

Happy 1st blogaversary Simon!!! Thank you for all the inspiration and for the nice goodies in the store :) I'm sure this hop it's going to be fun.

KarenB said...

Happy blogaversary!! The hop was fabulous, always such an inspiration to visit the DT's and admire their beautiful work. Thank you :)

Max said...

Congratulations to you all at SSS.
Just off to join the blog hop now I've posted my link.


Mrs.B said...

Great challenge - now for the blog hop!

PeiFang_Alice said...

Am i late am i late am i late???
Sorry i just finished my final exam, LOL. Didn't have time to make the card earlier. =p
After all the blog hop and counting, my total is 36. Hope i didn't count it wrongly.
Once again gratz on first blogaversary and thanks for all the fab prizes!!
Pei Fang xx

maxine said...

Great challenge and lovely dt work